The rate information on this page is powered by a third party rate provider. This information has been obtained from various financial institutions, and we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information includes financial product data that was in our third party partner's database at the time of publication, and may not reflect all of the products available in your region. Before acting on the information shown on this page, contact the financial institution to verify the accuracy of the data.

Rates are based a $250,000 loan for purchase (no cash out) transaction of an owner occupied , single-family residence with an 80% loan-to-value ratio (96.5% LTV for FHA’s and VAs), up to 1.000% discount points, 720 credit score, and up to 60 days lock. Rates are subject to change without notice. All quotes are for products or loans that can be sold on the secondary market with no prepayment penalties nor negative amortization.